
Phishing - pronounced "phizing" - is when you are tempted towards a fake web site that appears to look like the real thing.

Why the name phishing ?

Phishing is aptley a mutation of the word fishing i.e. fishing for information - but not quite the real thing !

Why do people attempt phishing ?

The aim of phishing is to steal your information, particularly your login username and password information for the genuine site.

What do they do with the information ?

Using the information your account can be accessed and then is largely used to take your money, order goods or thieve your identity.

How is this done ?

The "phisers" obtain your email address usually by scraping or harvesting from your web site. They then send you an email pretending to be from a genuine bona-fide organisation - perhaps an online trader (eBay, Amazon or PayPal perhaps). In the email they may ask you to check your account and take you to a login page. But it is all fake.

What can you do to prevent phishing ?

They best way is to check the details of the senders email address. Not the address text label, but the actual address. If you click on the address using your most email programs it will reveal details about it, check that the domain looks genuine. And of course the other way to prevent is to not give away your email address such as not openly listing it on websites!

How does WebEmailProtector help stop your email address being scraped ?

Our service prevents scraping because your email address is no longer contained within the html code structure (or any other code such as JScript) on your site.

Instead we hold the address on our server (once you have registered it) and release it only once we are sure a bona-fide visitor is accessing it.

Enjoy !

Get an Email Address Encryption key for the WEBEMAILPROTECTOR service and secure your website email addresses here GET-A-KEY page.

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