
Providing different ways customers can get in touch with you on your website is important for good communications.

Phone Numbers, Email Addresses, Postal Address and WhatsApp Links all add credibility and openness to do business.

Needing to place an order? Help with Payment? Enquiring about Delivery? - good contact options are essential.

While a simple Phone call is often the most preferred for urgent matters, Email is the next choice for most.

So it's important visitors to your site are given the option to Email you directly.

However, the downside is that if you make your Email address publicly available by listing it on your website you are quickly liable to get a lot of spam and other undesired attention.

So what's the Solution?

By using one of our Encryption Keys instead of your real Email Address on your site we can prevent your email address being scraped and harvested.

Easier for you to implement than a Captcha. Easier for your customers to use than a Captcha.

Unlike simple hex or JavaScript based encoders, the WebEMailProtector service is a true encrypter than cannot be easily reversed.

How does Encrypion work?

Encryption works by replacing your Website Email Address with a secure Email Address Encryption Key.

This key is your own unique 20 character IES based Cryptographic Hash Function (CHF) encryption code and replaces the email address without needing to do or change anything on your, or your visitors, email tools.

When a vistor to your site clicks the Key it is swaped for your Email Address once the release has been security cleared and thus prevents unwanted use.

Enjoy !

Get an Email Address Encryption key for the WEBEMAILPROTECTOR service and secure your website email addresses here GET-A-KEY page.

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