Email not opening on websites?

If when you click on an email link in your browser nothing happens then the chances are you have a configuration error either within Windows or the browser you are using.

Hope this guide helps you fix!

Note that these fixes are needed only if somehow the default email settings on your system have been changed and these fixes are not WebEmailProtector specific but apply to the usability of any email links on websites.

Also note that if you are using a shared machine such as in a common area of a lobby then often access to email tools have been disabled and like any email link nothing will happen when you click!

Set your Windows default mail tool

In Windows (in this case Windows 10, other versions may differ slightly):

Right click on the windows button on the very bottom left of your screen. Then using the popup menus left click on Control Panel, then Default Programs, then Set your default programs. From the list choose your favoured Email program such as “Microsoft Outlook” and then click Set this program as default.

Then follow the instructions below for which ever browser(s) you use.

Microsoft Edge Browsers

Once you have set your Windows default mail tool as per the instructions above then:

Within the Microsoft Edge browser (in this case version 38.14393.0.0 October 2016, other versions may differ slightly):

Once you have set the Windows default as above nothing else is required.

Google Chrome Browsers

Once you have set your Windows default mail tool as per the instructions above then:

Within the Google Chrome browser (in this case version 54.0.2840.59 October 2016, other versions may differ slightly):

Open the browser and left click on the menu button towards the top right hand corner of the browser. On the popup menu select Settings -> show advanced settings -> Privacy [Content Settings…] -> Handlers [Mange Handlers] and make sure that mailto is set to “Site (none)” or whatever you want to set you default mail tool to for that browser as it appears in the list, but to be safe it should best be Site(none) so as to be the same as the Windows default setting done previously.

Mozilla Firefox Browsers

Once you have set your Windows default mail tool as per the instructions above then:

Within the Mozilla Firefox browser (in this case stub 49.0.1 October 2016, other versions may differ slightly):

Open the browser and left click on the menu button towards the top right hand corner of the browser. On the popup menu select Options -> Applications and make sure that mailto is set to “Use Microsoft Outlook (default)” or whatever you want to set you default to for that browser, but to be safe it should best be the same as the Windows default setting done previously.

Enjoy !

Get an Email Address Encryption key for the WEBEMAILPROTECTOR service and secure your website email addresses here GET-A-KEY page.

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